Saturday, August 27, 2005

some things in life are sooo gud part II

Foot in the air
Foot on the ground
flick your hips
take mithun down.
That's VARSHA. yes, it is now official all my friends are either completely crazy or perverts(another story). In gk, with half the population staring at us, varsha dancing to "I am a disco dancer", making feeble attempts at stepovers, spitting out sprite, discussing the President(interact club, shez not geek-girl), hoping her kids don't turn out like "someone".
sighhh.. life is good
By the way, i'd gone to get english notes from Saba, and ended up spending almost 2 hours in gk, doing nothing- golgappis, sandwich, sprite of course and some ass taking.


Anonymous Anonymous friggin thought...

its MY dance !!! don't give versh alllllll the credit..:(

5:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous friggin thought...

Dnt wrry saba i du acknowledge the fact tht the steps were fer sum reason rememberd by u .. thnk u fer teaching me this amazin dance !!!

5:55 PM  
Blogger udit friggin thought...

she remembers and still she doesn't teach me.

8:03 PM  

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