Saturday, August 20, 2005

some things in life are just sooo GOOD

Recently, I went in my friend Dakshina’s bus. Some friend of hers was telling her a story, some gossip, of course. The REACTION was just amazing. I’ve written REACTION in capital letters, though that doesn’t even come close to describing what it was.

One moment she’s standing there, nodding her head. KABOOM!!

She’s up on her toes, ignoring the swaying motion of the bus, mouth wide open, gaping away to glory, hands coming up in one swift movement to her face and she starts squealing or screaming or whatever you want to call it. The frequency was so high I almost didn’t hear it. I could swear she jumped many times, no mean feat mind you.(wink)

Boy, Do I want to know what that news or what, though I doubt it’ll be more than some teeny weeny minisculity. That’s life(read: dakshina) for you.


Blogger Vintage Girl friggin thought...

well u kno dat rilli is life n i too get hyper like dat a lot of times

8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous friggin thought...

Lol... you describe her so well, I can totally imagine her REACTING, as you put it.. I call it "shrieking" by the way, not squealing or screaming.. it's good to be hyper, she could be a good GPB (sigh-- I'm jealous!!)

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous friggin thought...

well i'm sure u'll react dat way if we get 2 noe next class dat phase test is on 3rd Sep. :))

1:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous friggin thought...

well dats me..... hyper n ovr excited. bt u bet it ws some big piece of news for me 2 react dat way... huh....=)

5:36 PM  
Blogger The Lost Girl - Legend For The New Spirit friggin thought...

Lolz!!! But u sure she was jumpin??? As in, u havent mentioned da bus tumbling over. .... K... Jus Kiddin!
Huz john?

2:27 PM  

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