Sunday, June 17, 2007

schmuck, ass, fool, nerd etc

yours truly has been the receiver of such brickbats for what has now been 1,2,3..(ok i dunt know so much counting) months.. And then came this post, which you can safely presume is going to be utter crap. With it, there are no promises of more, and yawwnnn i'm beginning to bore even myself now..

FRIENDS, congratulate me, i am now metric pass.. 'pass' sounds insulting. my engineering entrances were a disaster, my boards were not. So now I'm headed to DU to do eco hons. St Stephen's will probably not take me, because I'm one painstaking mark away from the darned cut-off. Hansraj will, god bless their souls. Holidaying in kerela was fun. they drive scooters in lungis. All their curries are the same. If you put chicken in it, u have masala chicken, if u put paneer in it, u have shahi paneer etc etc etc. yeesh
NOW, I'm absolutely free. I'm watching movies by the dozen on TV, on DVD, on VCD, on youtube on anything i find. I'm also roaming about here and there excessively which has strengthened my parents' belief 'ladka bigad gaya hai' which i very cleverly counter with the 'abhi nahi toh kabbb?? complete with puppy dog look'..
now, that i've successfully had everyone doze off, goodnight..


Blogger Shayeri friggin thought...

yess! the much welcome post.
it's "kerala".
and and and, God bless AND save Hansraj. Our local goonda is going there!!
schmuck is my insult for you...anyone else who uses it can very well fugg off, it's a word i made myself and i take pride in my creativity!!

and board results. maee maee. Nuff said!


2:50 PM  
Blogger udit friggin thought...

yes kerala. tho personally i prefer 'karela' which is what i've written on the photos waali cd, leading to many a nudge for my parents. harhar

5:48 PM  
Blogger Salona friggin thought...

Hmmm...pappu pass ho gaya :)

Engineering results?? Disaster??...i wud use more severely "disasterish" terms to describe mine...but then my vocab isnt as gud as urs..

Like u it duznt evn seem like we studied 2 yrs for dis...but i guess it'll jus work out sumhow...ur probly destined to becum an eco-whiz :D ...we'll connect the dots later...ur fav speech - Steve Jobs :)

One mark hurts but sum1's bin tellin me Stephens is going down the mebbe its better...n im not phekofyin dat sum1 was eshita only...

N 'karela' is a beautiful place...tho foods gen a prob down south only for us veggies...but i guess ur used to variety...

I use de same counter works :)...n if ur telling me ur posts hv npow becum sleeping-off material...mebbe i shunt think of reviving my blog after all...shay!!

Hmm...loooooooong comment :)

2:06 PM  
Blogger Hemantika Verma friggin thought...

chalo update to kiyaa...
yeah utter crap...
bt still "interestin" to read...
'abhi nahi toh kabbb?? complete with puppy dog look'..
hahaha luvd dat!!
n yea i agree...stephens is (or wil)go down da drain soon....;)

3:57 PM  
Blogger Vintage Girl friggin thought...

ahhhhhh!!!! FINALLLYYYYYY!!!!!
and yea i love shayeri's word schmuck!
and abt the engg entrances....hardly anyone (that i know of) did exceptionally well or anything...aur waise bhi...i sooo dont see u becomin an engineer...nah....u shud become a comedian!! :P jk jk

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous friggin thought...

It is you who has to live your entire life; you can’t hire a contractor to do that. You can take any amount of advice, from any amount of people. It doesn’t change the fact that it’s your decision to make.

worth going thru the thing for that
ul be great wherever u go

8:52 PM  
Blogger udit friggin thought...

u silly girl u. yeh upar waale ke liye tha.. uff

9:13 PM  
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7:58 PM  

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