Sunday, January 29, 2006

Show- shaa di duniya

Once again my view that it's all a business, it's all a show is strengthened. show doesn't necessarily mean hype, but also the sheer impact and usefulness of audio-visual impact. sample this, me and my family together watched the Austrailian Open men's singles finals. Roger federer, no 1 seed vs maverick Marcos Baghdatis. now, as it happens, a loadful of people have no knowledge of tennis, the scoring, the players etc. so the conversation was limited to- arrey red wala jeet gaya (red one won- which actually meant baghdatis got the point), yeh marks to hamesha gadbad dete hain (their scoring system is all screwed up). here, the importance of both wearing different colour clothes, the loud and clear calling of the umpires, though minor details become oh so important.
women's tennis is also interesting, apart from watching the game, the 'visual' impact can be quite pleasing. there's nothing wrong in making a fashion statement or a beauty statement out there on the court.
  • Coming to India, specifically the Republic Day parade, which seems to have become a rather hot topic to debate. i don't see why there should not be an extravagant display of weaponry and jhaankis and fly pasts and the likes, in fact i quite liked the motorcycles and the fly past. it always gives a sense of pride. it's a show to the outside world, an expression of joy, more than an assertion of strength.
  • To revive hockey, the nearly obsolete IHF(Indian Hockey Federation) infused new life into the 'national' sport by introducing PHL. modified rules, aggressive advertising, commentary but what struck me most was when the teams were walking out onto the field, the stadium was ringing with 'dus bahane karke le gaya dil'.
  • one day cricket was the new avatar introduced by Kerry Packer, who passed away just recently, bless his soul! now, to keep up with busy schedules, and want for excitement, we have things like 20-20 cricket coming up.
it's a clear message, move aside veterans and connoisseurs, everyone is interested only in customers and more customers, which comes from more excitement.
one thing though, the people who manage all this, handle everything are NO different from anyone else, believe you me. the world is not surreal, nothing's a fantasy, it's all business acumen, and people power.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

wot a HEAD!

we have new head boys and girls (trumpet rolllll)
mr manchanda, mr shankar and ms. vaidyanathan, ms. bhandari or in colloquial terms ashish, roshan, dakshina and vrinda. (trumpet rolllll) congratulations you guys. have to say, great decision by chona ma'am, the respect now comes naturally. All 4 are soooo deserving, and sooo the right people to have as the 'head' people of the school. balle balle. and anyone who says uhh i dunno bout ashish, uhh i dunno bout roshan, ... vrinda, .... dakshina etc etc plz plz go take a hike. if you do actually come to know them, you'll see they're actually amazing people.
Don't see how i could ever be bitter not being head boy when these guys are at the helm. now after saying so much nice stuff, i should expect a treat mann, and some 'perks' too. hahahah

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Elwen L

for the feeble minded, that's eleven L, or my class nd section. the winter vacations are over, school is open again, incidentally a day after delhi recorded it's coldest temperature in 71 years- 0.2 degrees.
class 10 and 12 have pre-boards and 2 months later boards (which i must say are mostly a waste of time and not the TEST they're made out to be). anyways, coming to the post, our class has been shifted to the 1st floor, so that an EYE can be kept on us. our class "happens" to have a view of mrs c's garden, who by the way, is our princi. Naturally, our discussions and talks, usually limited to weirdos in coaching classes and bloopers made by any damn person, veered towards new quarters. before we knew it, we were making assassination plans.
somehow, a bomb seemed the best way to carry out the not-so-noble but exciting task. bitten by time-wasting bugs as we are all nuances were discussed, with a throw bomb, a time bomb to go off at 5 pm, evening tea time that is, a bomb in the car. most hotly debated was how long a holiday we might get. hmmmm Also, for some reason, it involved a rather short talk on why naukraanis (maid servants are called so).
SUDDENLY, red alert was sounded.
there was mrs C, sitting in her garden, having a cup of tea with some guests, enjoying the morning sun, which was woefully absent. But alas, unfortunately or maybe fortunately, there was no bomb at hand, not even an innocuous diwali cracker! life is cruel!
P.S. playing pointee pointee at aayushi's badge wuz fun
P.P.S. the P.S. is only for those who understand, plz don't ask me what it means